I live in the Treasure Valley of Idaho and work as a test engineer at OnSemi. I help test and design photodiodes. I have adapted this porfolio website from my final MET portfolio but this contains the projects and work from EDTECH 538 - Maker Tech: Physical Computing and STEAM Education.
In my work as a test engineer I spend a lot of time solving problems by writing code. Even though almost all of my work is focused on electronics my work is actually quite abstract. Chances to work with your hands and touch the devices you are working with are few and far between. I have really enjoyed working with my hands in this course and playing with breadboards, resistors and LEDs.
This portfolio is organized in a clear and logical manner, simply click on the buttons above to navigate to each section.
I have several projects from the course listed under the projects tab that are based on Scratch and Makey-Makey. As the course progressed the complexity of the programs increased. Scratch makes things like animations and sounds very easy and there is a lot of gratification in making something that looks good very quickly.
Educational Maker Project Proposal: An Instructional Unit
In the instuctional unit proposed below I adapted my existing scratch and makey-makey projects to a new platform, the Arduino microcontroller. I enjoyed learning more about the Arduino platform.
Learn to Program With Scratch Online Resources Scratch Makey-Makey
Makey-Makey Project Ideas Simple Circuits Challenge Arduino
Arduino Home Projects Book ee-diary