
Final thoughts and future plan.


1 minute

In my work as a test engineer I spend a lot of time solving problems by writing code. Even though almost all of my work is focused on electronics my work is actually quite abstract. Chances to work with your hands and touch the devices you are working with are few and far between. I have really enjoyed working with my hands in this course and playing with breadboards, resistors and LEDs. I don’t see myself working with Scratch or Makey-Makey in the future but I do appreciate their value in making programming and physical computing accessible.

The Arduino microcontroller is something I have wanted to explore for a long time and this class gave me the perfect excuse to dive in. I plan to continue to develop my skills programming “sketches” and building other Arduino projects. My next project fits in well with my professional career. I would like to build a photodiode light detector as described in this article from ee-diary.