Project Link: Twinkle Twinkle LEDs
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The second mini-project I developed is the logical extension of the simple series circuit project. In this mini-project, I used multiple LEDs to create a parallel circuit. This mini-project builds on the simple circuits challenges #6 and #7 on the Makey Makey blog. In this project, the maker can explore using multiple colors of LEDs and different resistors to examine how the changes affect the brightness of the LEDs. I would like to extend this project further by having the maker use the resistor calculator I developed earlier in the course to calculate the appropriate resistors to use with one, two, or three LEDs in series or parallel circuits as well as learn how to work with Ohm’s law ( Voltage(V) = Current(I) * Resistance(R)) in a practical way.
For the scratch project integration, I extended the previous project’s scratch by adding extra costumes to the star sprite and setting up the script so that each star twinkles to match the LEDs on the breadboard.
The physical side of the project is shown above with the circuit open and closed. It is difficult to see in the bright room but all of the LEDs are on. I also show a few extra resistors that can be used by the maker to experiment with.